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Still more of your favorite Rants from the sexiest cat in town.

  Holy Mother of SUV
Why is it people who own SUV's do not know what a SUV is or how to drive one? I'll make this simple, a SUV is a Sports Utility Vehicle. They are designed to go off road on terrain that cars do not perform well on or can not perform well (high centered rings a bell). So why do those damn people insist on driving way to fast, weave in and out of traffic, and make the world believe that SUV owners are idiots. BECAUSE THEY ARE IDIOTS!!! I drive about 110 miles a day round trip from work and back. I see my fair share of SUV's on the road and the people driving are idiots. First, judging by the paint on the vehicles most owners do not know what a gravel road looks like. If they drive similarly on gravel as they do on pavement, then no wonder so many people die in rollovers. Then you are driving behind an SUV (because the rat bastards just had to cut you off) and you approach a RR crossing. The stupid bastards slow down to a crawl. Do you people not know what your suspension is like on your vehicle? SUV's ARE DESIGNED TO TAKE BUMPS. Hesus el Christo!! If you wanted a vehicle that would cut in an out of traffic well, would allow you to drive double the speed limit and allow people to know you are an idiot a first sight, buy a Mitsubishi Eclipse. Until then learn what your vehicle is supposed to be used for and use it that way. SUV's get crappy gas mileage, quit using them to commute with, by a Focus for god's sake.

  The Wright Brother's from 26,000 feet Ironically enough being the grandson of Wilber Wright, it took me 25 years before I would fly my first flight. I've been out of college for a couple of years now and work finally made me go where my car could not take me in time.
My first plane was to leave Sunday night at 5:05 in the PM. I drive past the airport ever day on my way to work and I have even been there to pick people up and drop them off, however I have never actually been ON the planes. On Friday driving home I see a plane getting ready to land and look away and as I look back I see this Fiery ball of flames on the runway. Not really but that was the visual that went through my mind of this sunny Friday drive at 5 with Brandon Bell and 95 Rock. Palms are sweaty, knee's weak, arms are heavy and my stomach was churning however I did manage to keep mom's spaghetti off of my sweater.
The 60 mile drive that I use as a warm up and cool down from work seemed to drag on for hours. Safely at home I couldn't shake my pre-flight jitters... so I decided to go to 8-mile. It was a pretty good movie that could touch a person on one or more levels. And I'm not talking about your normal run in with the priest type of touching either. The movie also gave me a new perspective of flying. You only get one shot, one opportunity to die, so why not go out with a big bang right if that is what is going to happen. Morbid and deranged I know, but what the hell right. I admit that I am scared or fearful of death, because I always have things to do the next day, but my main fear is not being in control. Anyways, enough about my deranged thoughts and onto my wonderful first flight. So Saturday night I stay home so I am in tip top shape to die, err I mean to fly. (poetic slip) I was all jacked up on anticipation I go to bead at about 1:30 and I am out like a light. I wake up at 3, 4:30, 6, and I finally get enough motivation at 10 to face this brave new fear. I get to the airport Sunday in plenty of time. My palms are sweaty, knees weak and I'm getting ready for this flight. My pulse is starting to rise and I get this feeling in my stomach. A feeling that is familiar to me. Nervousness, but a good nervousness like when I was playing football. I was either the first or the second person to touch the football in the game. I was either kicking or receiving the kick, so I always was the one person who set the temp for the game for my team. I was reflecting back upon those days as I walked past the gate. I was expecting to be in awe of this marvelous metal machine that was going to take me 25% across the country. Instead of having to hunch over like I am an adult in a kid playground (which is quite fun). One seat to the right, two seats to the left of the isle, damn it when we all die a fiery death it will not make that many headlines. It's pretty sad when all I can think about is how my Focus has more room in the back seat. Buckled up and prayers said, you must loose yourself in the moment, the plane accelerates and I realize that I am excited. Flying is an exhilarating experience. The perspective of the world from the airplane is wonderful. I recommend it to all.
ps at 26,000ft, if you assumed and initial velocity of 0, it would take roughly 40.41 seconds to reach the earth not counting wind resistance. (imagine the person sitting next to me as I share my "cool" facts. LOL

Go Grandpa GO GO

  Memory Lane

Why is it that the past always seems better than the present?  Why do the good memories always come back when you do not want them anyplace near your cranium?  Like when you are in a relationship, it's like well the other women never did that or usually did depending on the case. =)  Let's see.  Hmmm maybe since those relationships obviously didn't work out, why are you worried about it?  The answer is easy.  Good memories are placed in a place where you can easily get to them and bad memories are usually forgotten.  Like that time running down the field, nobody around.  I have 20 yards to hit pay dirt and the hash mark jumps up and grabs my foot.  I  would have long forgotten about this except for the fact that this was a good memory to all my friends so they will not let me forget.  (I scored two plays later because I know you care..(good memory for me... scoring always is))  The fights, the yelling, the getting your butt kicked by a hot babe.  The nasty notes, emails, letters.  You get the idea.  All of the childish things people do when they break up. Oh yeah can't forget the prank phone calls.   These are all negative memories which, are drowned out by the nights of passion.  Making love on the grass under a full moon.  The lustful yearns that make you rip each other's clothes off  with in minutes of seeing each other after only 5 days of being apart.  The long walks at night stopping to point out the stars.  These are the memories that torture you when they are no longer common place.   Life throws you a curveball and you think, poor me.  Why is life so hard for me now?  Why can't it go back to the way it used to be?  Because things change get over it.  That was then this is now.  Hind sight is always 20/20.  I'm sure you have heard that cliche by this point in your life.  You know why it's still popular?  It is because it's easy to predict the future, when you are looking on it as the past.  You mean to tell me that the US's generals would still cluster their Naval fleet together today knowing what they do about Dec 7th, 1941? I think not.  You always can see your mistakes, after you make them.  You can always recall the good times, when times are bad.  That can be a positive thing, if you look at them not as that moment, but as a good time.  Things are bad now, but they will get better. Instead of trying to go back to the past, take today for what it is and make it what you want it to become.  Sure you may not be able to date Brad Pitt or Jennifer Love Hewitt,but you may be able to date someone who will make you feel a lot better in the long run verses just being eye candy. You may not be able to make your life exactly what you want to, but why not take life's events and make the best of the situation you have now.  Quit thinking poor me and why can't life go back to the way is was.  Live life for today and harness your partner... er I mean harness the good things you have now into a better tomorrow.  If you don't, tough crap quit complaining you are only bringing those around you down in your self pity.
